
A still not so clear picture

We have now excavated for three days. We have left the hard work of deturfing behind us and have removed a number of recent layers. On both spots is the situation not crystal clear. It has been hard to get a full picture of the stratigraphy on the hill. A myriad of tree roots makes it difficult to see colorations in the ground. It is also extremely dry in the ground and it takes a lot of time to understand how far the layers of the mound on the hill extend into the trench. Tomorrow we will take away the remaining mound layers and get a better picture of what lies beneath.

Anneli uncovering the first stones in Offerlunden
In offerlunden have the excavators been very busy with removing a massive amount of rubbish from the 19th and 20th c. Below the worst rubbish layer is a stone layer turning up. It seems to be have been laid out in order to make the ground stable for cattle and animals that have used the well or water hole. A lot of geese or ducks can be seen around the site in a picture from around 1920. The stone layer is also quite late, probably not earlier than the 19th c.

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