
Viking age finds and reaching the hall layer

Part of a equal armed brooch from the 10th century. A Viking age find made i a post Medieval layer.

Beginning to find a hall
The excavation is steadily progressing in three trenches. Below the terrace we are removing a culture layer and quite disturbing 18th c. arder marks. On monday will probably the documentation of a cellar pit be finished. We do not really know when it was built, but the large amounts of pottery in the fill seems to belong to about 1550-1600 AD. This is actually one of the very few well dated and fairly large constructions from the pre 17th century in the area. Some of the finds from the pit are very nice and most striking is two knives with preserved bone or wood handles. Other interesting details comes from the brick material. It contains not only ordinary "stortegel" but also smaller pieces as well as glazed and profiled bricks. We have not had time to compare pieces with Late Medieval phases of the church, and one might ask if there has been other partly brick built constructions in the area.

On the southern plateau has the team removed much more of the turf layer and reached blach plastic sheets placed in the trench from 1992. During the final hours on friday they also found the first stones for the stone frame along the plateaus edges as well as concentrations of clay indicating the first post hole. The next few days will reveal some really exiting constructions


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